Killing and God’s Commandment

Exodus 20:13/Psalm 139

1. Homocide (23300 every yr in USA – 3 person an hour) I was in Atlanta, Georgia, for one day during the Persian Gulf war, on my way into Alabama to preach that night. In the newspaper I read that day that during the same period of time during the Persian War there were more people killed in Atlanta, Georgia, than Americans that died in the Persian War. In other words, it was safer to be in Saudi Arabia than it was to be in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia.

2. Suicide: There are 30,000 suicides every year in America. Some have estimated that there are as many as 400,000 attempted suicides every year. Suicide is becoming more and more an experience that is happening to young people. 5,000 young people a year successfully take their own life.

3. Abortion: In 1973, Roe verses Wade Supreme Court declared that it was not against the law for a mother to abort her unborn baby. Since that time almost 30,000,000 unborn babies have been killed in America.

4. Indrect killing: Hit man
– David had hi man to kill Uriah
– Car Accidents mostly by drunk drivers (25,000 people a year are killed – slaughtered on our streets by drunken driving)

5. Inwardness of Killing (Psychological, No arrest)

– Slow degrees of unlove kill previous loved mates
– Bad words and bad behaviors kill families
– Whispering criticisms you can kill a reputation of other
– Unjust, unkind statements of your own belief can kill the testimony of some Christian brothers
– Some boys and girls are killing their parents in slow motion
Eg. The father, in exasperation said, ”Why don’t you just take a gun and go up to mother’s bedroom and kill her now. It would be a mercy for you to kill her now than for you to kill her by slow motion with the life you are living.”

II. Pathian nih bia a ceihning (Mark 7:20, Mtt. 5:20)

Lenglei Thahnak cu vawlei nih bia a ceih colh hna

The possibility of murder is in the heart of everyone of us in this building, apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

III. The Forgiveness of Killing.

– The book of Revelation that the murderer shall not inherit eternal life. But the murder shall have his place in the lake of fire.
– Lungrawk, lungdong, i phawt cio lo awk a tha lo
– God hates your sin, but God loves you. God will forgive you. Jesus died on the cross for that sin. Jesus shed His blood for that sin.
– Thong chung ummi zong khamh an co ko
– Moses zong Pathian nih hman ko (Bible hram uk nga a tial)
– David zong a hlaw thai hlei lo
– Babaras cu mithah in thong a tla
– Kan bawipa sualnak ngei lomi nih a in

Categories: Sermon

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